
Develop mobile applications quickly and easily using XML

The eMobc framework is published freely and free (Free Community version) on the platform Github.

There is a version for each language (JavaObjective-C and HTML5). Also we provide you with a comprehensive manual and a programmer’s API Manual online, so you can learn easily.

The tools and community forums, will be useful to share questions and knowledge with other users. Do not hesitate to use them 😉



Program 100% native applications. With eMobc framework for IOS and Android, is easy to program native applications. Accelerate development time both Android Java and IOS Objective-C. Define your application through XML files (you can use our control panel) and modify and compile the code with your favorite programming IDE. The framework eMobc is available for both Java on Eclipse projects, to Objective-C on XCode. Take advantage of the possibilities offered by native libraries to access advanced hardware features, such as GPS, accelerometers, vibration, camera, wireless, device communication, … Enrich the user interface, improve accessibility and customize features. Add advertising, send notifications and access to device data is improvements that can include native development.


eMobc introduces XML structures, specially prepared to define mobile applications.
Define XML through the majority of aspects of your application. Defines texts, interface design, screens definitions, update content… The easy of programming in XML structures, along with guidance and dynamic generation of screens opens the possibility of creating new models even for people with little technical knowledge.
eMobc uses XML to define user interfaces not only internal but the application features such as navigation and content.
It uses the open standard XML and reuse code to build applications on different platforms.


When we think and design a mobile application, naturally divide the application into multiple “screens” of information (splash, cover, menu, list, user profile…).
eMobc does too. You have different types of pre-built screens for use with your applications. Can also generate new information screens and share them with the community.
This approach facilitates the work with graphic designers; they also divide the product to make sketches. Generates demonstrations and displays the results quickly.

Dynamic Generation

With eMobc you can make applications that dynamically generate screens based on data received from a server. Thanks to XML can accommodate each of the screens in an external service for dynamic generation.
There are also screens that can generate a service based on all navigation dynamically to grow your application screens and functionality.
You can even collect users tastes and dynamically generate some content or other.


eMobc has a structure Model-View-Controller which consists of:
XML Parser: reads XML of each screen.
Model: Load XML parser information in the data model.
Controller: Controller manages the logic and uploads the data model.
View: Presents the data in graphical interface through native widgets on each platform.
Besides design patterns are used in the design of the framework.


With eMobc you can develop cross-platform applications in various ways.
Develop cross-platform native applications, mobile websites and webapps without changing tools. There are three versions of the framework:
eMobc Java Framework
eMobc Objetive-C Framework
eMobc HTML5 Framework